Each week classes add news on our "dojo" app. Please come to the office to get connected to your class.
We have a whole school news feed on our "dojo" app.
Here you will find out important information and details of what is happening in your child's class and our school in the forthcoming weeks.
Take a look in the 'e-safety' section for some useful websites regarding e-safety.
Help us to keep our children safe
Please help us to ensure all of our children arrive at school and go home safely.
Please observe the parking restrictions outside of school and do not park on the yellow lines during the restricted times. As tempting as it might be to park as close as possible to school - cars parked on the yellow lines are causing dangerous hazards for the children. We are delighted to have a school crossing patrol in place and encourage all parents to use this to cross safely to and from school.
Thank you for your co-operation.