
Inspection Report: Croftlands Infant School 8th and 9th March 2022

"Governors challenge leaders appropriately to check that the school is running well."
"Leaders are considerate of staff’s workload when they make decisions about the school."
"Staff appreciate the support that they receive from leaders for their well-being."

Governor Attendance 

Governor Responsibilites and Terms of Office

Governor Interests

Governor Body Policy

Croftlands Infant and Nursery School Instrument of Governance states we require:

1 Head Teacher- ex-officio 

1 Staff Governor- elected by staff 

1 Local Authority Governor- appointed by the governing body 

3 Parent Governor- elected by parents 

7 Co-opted Governor- appointed by the governing body 


The Governing Body has the power to delegate certain of its duties to appointed committees. The structure and membership of these committees is agreed by the Governing Body.

The committees are responsible for doing the majority of the leg-work of the Governing body. Each committee is run by a Chair and the Headteacher sits on each of the committees.

Meetings are minuted so that their business and any decisions reached can be fed back in detail to the following meeting of the Full Governing Body. Committee meetings are quorate when three governors (which can include the Headteacher) are in attendance. Minutes of Governing Body meetings are available to view in the school office.

Currently our governing body meets in full once a term.

Our Chair of Governors is Mr Mark Stephens.
Our Vice Chair of Governors is Mr Paul Harris.

Both are contactable by writing to them at school or phoning the office to leave a message.


These committees are as follows:


Premises, Health and Safety
  • Jo Procter
  • Paul Harris (Chair)
  • Mark Stephens
  • Charotte Metcalfe
  • Esther Parker
  • Jo Procter
  • Mark Stephens
  • Daniel Stewart
  • Ian Hodgson
  • Martin Swainson (Chair)
Finance, Personnel and Admin
  • Jo Procter
  • Mark Stephens (Chair)
  • Joe Adams
  • Paul Hornby
  • Chelsea Harrison

Sian Taylor- Clerk to the Governors

Vacancy - Co-opted
Vacancy - Co-opted

What the Governors do?

The term of office for governors is four years. 

Effective work is being done by the governing body. Our Governors act as critical friends and hold senior leaders to account for all aspects of the school's performance.

This is done by regularly observing lessons and working with staff at our Education, Finance and Premises committee meetings.